4 Questions to Strategize Your New Year Goals

We all have big dreams that we want to turn into goals, but here’s the thing: dreaming is a waste of time when it comes to goal setting unless you get strategic. 

Think of it this way: Strategy is the roadmap you need to get to your dreams. Without it, you’re directionless, driving this way and that, but never quite achieving your goal.

But you joined this industry to live a freedom-filled, wealthy life…and that doesn’t include wandering aimlessly, trying to find the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. 

Today, we’re walking you through four quick strategy questions to ask yourself when setting new goals to ensure they’re strategic and achievable. Let’s get started!

Question 1: What season of life and business am I in?

The incredible thing about life is that it changes. You are only in one season of life for so long and—let’s be honest—you joined this industry so you could enjoy each one fully. 

But certain seasons of life might require more energy than others, right? Opening a new salon, having a new baby, moving across the country are examples of new seasons of life that might require a little more focus and energy than others.

Take a moment to think about what phase of life you’re in right now. Do you have more energy and space to lend to multiple big goals? Or is it better for your mental and physical health if you lean into one big goal right now?

Question 2: Take stock of your most precious resources

We only have two resources to achieve our goals: time and money.

We can always make more money, but once the time is gone, it’s gone for good. So knowing how much time and money you have and can afford to spend on each goal is key to creating success.

But how do you take stock of your time and money? 

  1. Check in with your finances. Know how much money you have, how much you’re projected to make in the next year, how much your business and life expenses are, and how much you want to save. 

  2. Track your time. Where are you spending your time in and out of the salon? Is this how you want to spend your time?

Digging deep here will allow you to see if you have the resources to make this goal happen or if you should possibly spread it over five or ten years (or even longer!) 

If you want to dig deeper, get Wealthiest Year Yet, the beauty industry’s #1 annual planning system! 

Question 3: Is this in alignment with my North Star?

If you’re new to the idea of a North Star, Britt digs deep into it in Wealthiest Year Yet, but here’s the highlights: your North Star is your guide to what you want to achieve in this life. It is the key to making sure you stay on track with your goal of creating that wealthy, freedom-filled lifestyle you dreamed of when you joined the industry. 

When you’re strategizing your goals, keeping your North Star in mind is crucial because if a goal isn’t pushing you forward towards that North Star, it’s wasting your time.

Question 4: Is this goal achievable? 

Consider your season of life, your resources, and whether or not that goal is in alignment with your North Star, and decide whether that goal is achievable in a certain time frame.

Whatever that time frame is is up to you, but don’t be afraid to be realistic. Achieving your big goals and dreams doesn’t mean anything if you’re burned out, exhausted, and unable to enjoy the life you created.

Dreams are wonderful ways to imagine goals, but without the strategy, there’s no way to make them come true. Strategy is knowing what you want, realizing what you have, and using the two to achieve your dreams.