5 Steps to Making Six Figures as a Stylist

If there’s one question we get a lot, it’s this: “How can I make six figures as a stylist?” 

The good news is it is fully possible for every single beauty professional to earn a six-figure income. All you need is to follow the right steps and put in the work…and we’ve pulled together the top five steps you need to take to get on the path to making it happen. 

Because, here’s the thing: nobody is going to hand you your dream schedule, income, or career. You’ve got to put in the work. But if you know which way you should be going, the journey to six figures becomes so much easier. 

Let’s dig into the five steps every stylist should follow to earn six figures!

Step 1: Optimize your marketing funnel

The marketing funnel is one of the most crucial elements on your journey to six figures and one of the most overlooked. But when it’s properly set up, it can funnel (we couldn’t help the pun) your target market clients straight into your chair nonstop. 

What is the marketing funnel? It’s essentially the four-stage journey that every single client walks through when they’re looking for a new stylist. 

The four stages are: 

  • Awareness. How people find out who you are and what you do.

  • Interest. The social proof that you’re incredible and you stand out from the crowd. 

  • Desire. Prospective guests decide whether you’re worth coming to see based on one thing…your website.

  • Opportunity. This level is established when you have a solid brand that speaks clearly to a target market. 

When it’s fully optimized (meaning each stage of the marketing funnel is in place and working), your target market clients will fall through your funnel and into your chair easily. 

Want to dig deeper into how to build your marketing funnel? Download the free Hair Stylist Marketing & Retention Funnel Guide! 

Step 2: Optimizing your retention funnel 

The sibling of the marketing funnel, the retention funnel is just as important because once you’ve done the hard work to pull in those perfect clients, you want to keep them, right?

The retention funnel also has four stages: 

  • Trust. Where a guest decides if they want to be part of your clientele.

  • Nurture. A client decides if they will stay with you for more than three visits and you continue to wow your guests each time. 

  • Loyalty. A client starts sending you referrals and is willing to purchase luxury or more complete services. 

  • Lead. Many stylists reach their maximum potential as a stylist and begin considering salon or studio suite ownership, or becoming an educator. 

Once this funnel is fully in place, you’ll be on your way to making six figures and the clients you worked so hard to earn will become your biggest ride-or-dies! 

Step 3: Use social media strategically 

Stylists today are spending too much time on social media. Social media should only be 25% of your marketing plan with the other 75% of your efforts spent elsewhere so that 25% can be effective.

But how do you make that 25% effective? Get strategic.

First, decide what you’re trying to achieve with social media. Are you trying to grow a following? Get new clients? Build a reputation? 

Once you’ve decided your ultimate goal, make a plan. How are you going to connect with the target market you’re trying to attract? What platforms are they hanging out on? How often are you going to commit to showing up on those platforms?

Next, get organized. Figure out a content organization strategy so you’re never wondering what picture to post or what on earth to say in the caption.

Finally, pick a social media scheduler and start posting! Always set aside time to engage with your followers and others’ accounts. Don’t just post and cross your fingers that people will find you. Get out in front of them. 

Step 4: Set proper income goals 

We all joined the industry to make an incredible life…but saying you’re going to just make six figures a year or $10,000 a month is a pie in the sky goal. You need to get strategic and set proper income goals if you want to be a stylist who earns six figures.

The first step is always going to be to decide how much you want to make. Then figure out how many weeks a year you’re going to work. (We’re hoping that you take at least two weeks off a year to refresh and refuel.) Divide how many weeks you’ll work by your annual income goal to figure out how much you need to make each month.

Next, let’s figure out how much you need to make each day. How many days a week are you going to work? Divide that weekly income goal from above by however many days to reach your daily goal. 

For example, let’s say you want to earn $100,00 a year and you’ll work 50 weeks a year. $100,000 divided by 50 weeks is $2,000 a week. That’s doable, right? 

And let’s say you work 5 days a week, so $2,000 divided by 5 is $400 a day. 

That’s much more achievable, right? Take a moment now to break down your own numbers and set an income goal to help you reach six figures this year. 

Step 5: Get the right business education

In cosmetology school, we learn how to be incredible stylists…but more often than not, we don’t learn anything about how to be business owners.

If you want to be a stylist who earns six figures, you have to know the ins and outs of business, so finding the right business education is key.

Search for education that teaches you how to build up your business, including marketing, operations (even if you’re a commission stylist), finances, and vision. Each is equally important in building a business that earns six figures, so take the time to find the right educational fit.

Earning six figures as a stylist doesn’t have to feel like you’re standing at the bottom of Mount Everest, wondering how you’ll get to the top. If you follow these five steps, you’ll be on your way to achieving that incredible income, business, and lifestyle you crave!