The Ultimate Guide to Move Into the Abundance Zone ASAP

Do you ever scroll through Instagram and wonder how that stylist, that salon owner, that educator managed to make it big? Did they have a secret roadmap that nobody else had access to or was it just luck?

We’ll be honest: chances are, it’s neither.

Chances are, they learned how to tap into the Abundance Zone. 

So if you feel like your business growth is stunted or you want to live the wealthy life you dreamed of when you joined the industry, but you can’t figure out how to get there, read on. Because today, we’re breaking down each of the four growth zones, what each looks like, what they mean for you, and how to move into the Abundance Zone. 

The six key success factors 

Before we dive into each of these zones, let’s talk about the data points that determine which zone you’re in. 

  1. Control

  2. Level of challenge 

  3. Short-term growth potential

  4. Long-term growth potential 

  5. Effort

  6. Stress 

Each of these six areas is a key factor in your business and therefore, a key factor in your journey to the Abundance Zone. 

Zone #1 – The Comfort Zone 

What image comes to mind when you say “comfort”? Maybe snuggly blankets, those sweats that always help you relax, or an evening in with Netflix. We as humans have sought comfort since the caveman times, and we’re not saying that comfort doesn’t have its place…

…just not in business.

When you’re in the Comfort Zone, you’re barely getting by and are likely in debt. Your business kind of grows, but it kind of stagnates, so you won’t get the result you’re looking for. 

What the six factors look like in the Comfort Zone: 

  1. Control – Gives us a false sense of control, but the previous business decisions you’ve made (good, bad, indifferent) are really the boss. You are completely out of control. 

  2. Level of challenge – There are very few challenges skill-wise, which is why this zone feels so good. 

  3. Short-term growth potential – Average. Tomorrow will be more or less how today is. No challenge, no pain, no problem. 

  4. Long-term growth potential – Dismal. You are surviving, not thriving. 

  5. Effort – Medium. It’s not easy to be in the Comfort Zone and actually takes quite a bit of work. 

  6. Stress – Medium. Most people who are comfortable in business still carry a great deal of stress. They lay awake at night, fingers crossed, hoping things will go well.  

Take a step back and look at your business with fresh eyes. Are you holding yourself in this zone? 

Zone #2 – Growth Zone 

When we take incredible education or see somebody who inspires us, we push into the Growth Zone. We’re ready to go, to put in the work, and make the effort. 

Generally, when we’re in the Growth Zone, we have to work more. There’s only two resources we have to build our business with: time or money. In the Growth Zone, you’re going to have to use a little bit of both, which again makes us feel out of control.

What the six factors look like in the Growth Zone: 

  1. Control – Low. We feel out of control. You’re pushing through fear, you’re walking into an area of unknown, you’re getting a bit uncomfortable. 

  2. Level of challenge – High. There are many challenges in this zone skill-wise, mentally, physically, emotionally, and relationship-wise. 

  3. Short-term growth potential – Variable. Some people see quick results, but sustaining it is more challenging. 

  4. Long-term growth potential – High. You will not reach the upper limits of your career unless you push through the Growth Zone.  

  5. Effort – High. You’ve got to put in the work to make change.

  6. Stress – High. There’s a lot of moving pieces and your fears are still trying to take back control and push you into either the Comfort or Stagnation Zones.

Who here wants maximum stress and effort, loss of control, and tons of challenges? Probably not a lot of hands are up right now, but here’s the thing: while it sounds terrible, the Growth Zone payoff is worth it. 

Zone #3 – Stagnation Zone 

Here’s what usually happens after people hit the Growth Zone: They start walking through that fire, but then they get a little burn under their feet. You start to feel the loss of control, your stress starts to bubble up. It feels like a huge investment and you’re not sure where it’ll take you, so you hop out of the fire and into the Stagnation Zone. 

The Stagnation Zone is generally classified by burnout, social media breaks, slow clientele growth with minimal efforts to change it, losing team members, and feeling uninspired. 

What the six factors look like in the Stagnation Zone: 

  1. Control – Low and you don’t really care. You are mentally, physically, and emotionally burned out. 

  2. Level of challenge – High. There’s just as many challenges here as in the Growth Zone, but without the motivation to tackle them head on. 

  3. Short-term growth potential – Low. You’ve hit cruise control and have checked out. 

  4. Long-term growth potential – Low. Same as short-term growth potential. Burnout has taken over. 

  5. Effort – Medium. You’re still putting in a lot of work but on things that aren’t getting you to where you want to go. 

  6. Stress – High. You want to achieve the wealthy life, but it feels like you can’t make it happen. 

The Stagnation Zone hurts. It causes a lot of bitterness, resentfulness, and tearing others down. Instead, focus on what you need to do to build your business. 

The only way to get out of Stagnation or Comfort is to push through Growth. Do not pass go, do not collect $200. You have to push through the pain of the Growth Zone to get to zone number four, the Abundance Zone.

 Zone #4 – Abundance Zone 

When we talk about living a wealthy life, a lot of people immediately think, “Oh, money.” While money can definitely make you more comfortable, life is made up of a lot more than that. (Take a look at all the rich, miserable people.) Instead, focus on abundance.

A life that’s abundant is one where you don’t have to worry about money. You can pull out your card and buy anything you want at any time without incurring debt or worry. Your relationships are great, stress is low, life is good. 

What the six factors look like in the Abundance Zone: 

  1. Control – High. You’re in the driver’s seat. 

  2. Level of challenge – Low. There are very few challenges skill-wise because you’ve checked your ego and realize you only know a fraction of what’s out there. You live life like a sponge. 

  3. Short-term growth potential – High. You’re growing and the future looks bright.  

  4. Long-term growth potential – High. You know where you’re going and you’re on the right path to get there. 

  5. Effort – High. Just because you get to the Abundance Zone doesn’t mean you get to kick it. But those in this zone don’t want to. They love what they’re doing and feel like they’ve found their life’s purpose. 

  6. Stress – Low. You might be working hard, but everything feels aligned. 

In the Abundance Zone, all of the six factors are in alignment. This is not a place of laziness or complacency. This zone is all about alignment, education, and leveling up. 

What pushes people into one zone or another? Fear and choices. Every single person on this planet has fears right now. Maybe it’s afraid that they’ll fail, they won’t measure up, they won’t be good enough. But those who move into the Abundance Zone do one thing the others don’t: they choose to move past those fears. 

Choose to feel the fear and do it anyway. Be willing to get consistent education, work hard with focus, make the short-term sacrifices for long-term gain, quit chasing quick money (seriously, knock it off), and focus on the long-term strategy. 

If you want Britt’s help building a strategy to get you into that Abundance Zone, check out Wealthiest Year Yet